Blog posts from June, 2020

Construct or Collapse? | ¿Construir o colapsar?

Sand and rocks 2 Kings 24:8-17; Matthew 7:21-29 What is your foundation? That’s the essential question that Jesus poses when he uses the contrasting images of a house built on rock ...

An Auspicious Beginning | Un Comienzo Auspicioso

Cradle Isaiah 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66, 80 The Bible and our history of salvation are filled with stories of miraculous births. In the cultural milieu of the Bible, ...

Think! | ¡Piensa!

Narrow gate Matthew 7:6, 12-14 The three sayings that we receive from Jesus in today’s gospel seem different. What do refusing to cast our pearls before swine, following the ...

Careful and Humble Judgment | Juicio Cuidadoso y Humilde

St.thomasmore copy Matthew 7:1-5 “See me safe up,” St. Thomas More once prayed, “for in my coming down, I can shift for myself.” Even when he reached the heights of ...