Blog posts from August, 2020

Two Marks | Dos Marcas

Taucross Ezekiel 9:1-7, 10:18-22; Matthew 18:15-20 Our scriptures today offer us visions of two external marks that reflect internal realities. The prophet Ezekiel describes a ...

Willful Blindness and Deafness | Ceguera y Sordera Voluntarias

Open book Ezekiel 12:1-12; Matthew 18:21-19:1 We live in a culture of increasing suspicion and insulation, where a free press is called “the enemy of the people” and people ...

Kenosis, Not Consumption | Kenosis, no Consumo

Likes (St. Sixtus II, St. Cajetan) Matthew 16:24-28 Jesus would probably be a modern advertiser’s nightmare. In today’s world, there isn’t much of a market ...

A Universal Law | Una Ley Universal

Johncelichowski St. Lawrence, Deacon 2 Corinthians 9:1-10; John 12:24-26 Today is the third anniversary of my dad’s death. When I visited his grave at St. Adalbert Cemetery in ...