Blog posts from November, 2020

The Gift of Sight | El Regalo de la Vista

Bifocals (St. Margaret of Scotland) Revelation 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Luke 18:25-43 One of the inconveniences of living this time of pandemic is wearing a mask. Even though we have been ...

It Pays Off | Vale la Pena

Track 3 John 5-8; Luke 18:1-8 “Persistence pays off.” That was one of the many aphorisms that my parents, grandparents, and teachers handed on to me as a ...

Citizen Saint | Ciudadano Santo

607px-francesca cabrini St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Religious 2 John 4-9; Luke 17:26-37 Today the Church in the USA remembers a remarkable woman, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first U.S. citizen ...

It’s Here | Está Aquí

Hilltop St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr Philemon 7-20; Luke 17:20-25 “Behold,” Jesus told the Pharisees, “the kingdom of God is among you.” After taking a ...