Blog posts from January, 2023

Conversion of St. Paul

Hinkle-st-paul-piazza-san-pietro-2004 Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle Acts 22:3-16; Mark 16:15-18 Today we end the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with a feast recalling the dramatic conversion of St. Paul of ...

Hardness of Heart

Wednesday of the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; Mark 3:1-6 In the Bible, “hardness of heart” is used to describe a stubborn resistance to ...

Time Management

Mke-clock Hebrews 2:14-18; Mark 1:29-39 So many people... so much to do... so little time. We begin our new year in Ordinary Time with the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark. It is ...

Come and See

Rosary Memorial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 1 John 3:7-10; John 1:35-42 It’s no coincidence that many religious and diocesan vocation programs call the short retreats they ...