His Hour of Glory | Su Hora de Gloria

Tuesday of Holy Week
Isaiah 49:1-6; John 13:21-33, 36-38

They were hard words to say and hard words to hear. After all that Jesus and his disciples had been through, they had to come to grips with the impending reality of his death. Further, he warned them, in his hour of greatest need one of them would betray him and another, their leader, would deny knowing him.

Yet Jesus called this his hour of glory?!

Only he could see it. With the cross on the horizon, he must have recalled the words of God’s servant in Isaiah. He had been formed in his mother’s womb for this time. His Father in heaven had made him a sharpened sword and polished arrow.

But all that seemed to be coming to a painful end. Had he toiled in vain and uselessly spent his strength?

No. His reward was doing his Father’s will. His recompense was knowing that his Father was with him and would remain with him to the end. The Lamb of God was prepared for his Passover. jc 


Martes Santo
Isaías 49:1-6; Juan 13:21-33, 36-38

Eran palabras difíciles de decir y de escuchar. Después de todo lo que Jesús y sus discípulos habían pasado, tenían que enfrentarse a la inminente realidad de su muerte. Además, les advirtió que, en su momento de mayor necesidad, uno de ellos lo traicionaría y otro, su líder, negaría conocerlo.

Sin embargo, Jesús llamó a esta su hora de gloria...

Sólo él podía verla. Con la cruz en el horizonte, debió recordar las palabras del siervo de Dios en Isaías. Se había formado en el vientre de su madre para este momento. Su Padre en el cielo le había hecho una espada afilada y una flecha pulida.

Pero todo eso parecía estar llegando a un doloroso final. ¿Había trabajado en vano y gastado inútilmente sus fuerzas?

No. Su recompensa era hacer la voluntad de su Padre. Su recompensa era saber que su Padre estaba con él y que permanecería con él hasta el final. El Cordero de Dios estaba preparado para su Pascua. jc