Prayer Request
We welcome your prayers. Your prayer will be given to Capuchin friars who will pray on your behalf.
moreCapuchin Retreat
Located on 95 park-like acres of gentle meadows and quiet woodland in Macomb County, Michigan, Capuchin Retreat is a ...
morePreaching & Evangelization
"Inspired by the gospel of Jesus and the example of Francis of Assisi, the Capuchin friars of the province of Saint Joseph, together with our partners in ministry, prayerfully build ...
Created by Capuchin Friar Jerry Schroeder, enjoy this meditation that blends sight and sound into prayer.
moreSpiritual Content
Many are searching for a relationship with God. This area hosts materials to help with that journey. From the Depths of Our Souls to the Ends of the Earth: The New Evangelization, ...
moreCapuchin Authors
Our Capuchin authors have written books that cover a range of topics....including history, religion, spirituality, Franciscanism, and more. Authors are listed alhpabetically. Lester ...
moreLaudato Sí Action Platform
Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus, Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi, and Laudato SI’, the Capuchin friars of the Province of Saint Joseph, together with our partners in ministry, ...
moreBlessed Solanus Casey
Blessed Solanus Casey (1870-1957), a Capuchin friar of the Province of St. Joseph, was the humble porter of St. Bonaventure who walked with the sick and the poor. He is on the path to sainthood ...