Capuchin Authors

Our Capuchin authors have written books that cover a range of topics....including history, religion, spirituality, Franciscanism, and more.  Authors are listed alhpabetically.

Lester Bach, OFM Cap

Lester Bach OFM Cap made his first profession in the Capuchin Order in 1950 and was ordained in 1957. He worked with the formation program with Capuchin Brothers as well as sharing ministry in a parish, worked with the Cursillo and Search programs, and served as chaplain at a county nursing home. He worked with the Secular Franciscans since the 1960s. Br. Lester ministered at retreat houses for many years. He served as director of the House of Prayer as well as serving as Provincial formation director for the province of St. Joseph. For several years, he worked with ISAIAH 43 preaching parish missions. He continued that work with Missions 2000. He served as Provincial Spiritual Assistant to the Secular Franciscan Order as well as serving on a regional council of the SFO. He served as the Capuchins delegate on the Conference of National Spiritual Assistants (CNSA). He authored several books on SFO Formation and Franciscan spirituality and one devoted to scripture. Br. Lester passed away in 2020.

Books by Lester Bach

Franciscan Family Connections (2007) - $14.50 pllus S/H -- Training book for spiritual assistants to the Secular Franciscan Order
Capturing the Spirit of Francis & Clare (2007)- $15/00 plus S/H -Ongoing formation book for the Secular Franciscan Order
Seeking a Gospel Life - 2008 - Printing in Spring, 2008 - General book on the spirit of Francis and living the gospel vision
Take Time for Sunsets - Published by Franciscan Herald Press - now located at Quincy, IL. - Reflections on Franciscan Spirituality - 233 pages - out of print (1975)
Catch me a Rainbow - formation book for Secular Franciscans - 405 pages - Published by Barbo-Carlson Enterprises.(1990)
Called to Rebuild the Church - a spiritual commentary on the General Constitutions of the Secular Franciscan Order - 206 pages - Franciscan Press - Quincy, IL (1997)
Where Bible & Life Connect - reflections for spiritual directors - Liturgical Press (1998cc)
Catch Me a Rainbow Too - Formation book for initial formation of Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) - 439 pages - now translated into Korean - Spanish - Vietnamese - Barbo-Carlson Enterprises (1999)
Come and See - Authored with Teresa Baker SFO (Secular Franciscan Order) - Formation book for the beginning period of initial formation - 111 pages - Translated into Spanish - Barbo-Carlson Enterprises (2001)
Life-Giving Union - a course for preparing spiritual assistants to the Secular Franciscan Order - Lester helped to edit and revise, from previous text, on behalf of the Conference of National Spiritual Assistants to the SFO. - 68 pages - Barbo-Carlson Enterprises (2003)
Pick More Daisies - ongoing formation for Secular Franciscans - 245 pages - Barbo Carlson Enterprises. (2004)
Columnist for NEWS & VIEWS , a national newsletter of the Secular Franciscans called TAU-USA.
Columnist for the regional newsletter of the Secular Franciscans for Wisconsin and Upper Michigan called the La Verna Vision - published three times a year.

Campion Baer, OFM Cap

Campion Baer attended St. Lawrence Seminary at Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin and completed the traditional study path of Huntington, Indiana, Garrison, New York and Marathon, Wisconsin. Campion received a Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame and a Dip. Ed from Oxford University, England. He then spent many years teaching college at Crown Point and at Calument College of St. Joseph. In 1975, he was named co-pastor of St. Joseph in Appleton and in 1979 he was appointed the first Capuchin pastor of St. Mary's in Marathon, Wisconsin. During the late '80's he served as pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Saginaw. In 1991, he came to St. Lawrence Seminary where he taught and served as academic dean. Following that, he served the Capuchin Missions as Mission Secretary. Campion also served for 15 years on the Provincial Council and headed the Office of Continuing Formation for 12 years. Br. Campion passed away in 2016.

Books written by Campion Baer

Lady Poverty Revisted

Keith Clark, OFM Cap

Entered Capuchin Order 1958; Ordained to Priesthood 1965.  Post-graduate study 1984-85 Greyfriars Hall, Oxford University, Oxford, England; Masters Degree in Religious Education 1967-68;
Fordham University, New York, New York; Theological Study for Ordination 1962-66; St. Anthony Seminary, Marathon, Wisconsin; B.A. 1959-62 St. Mary's College Seminary, Crown Point, Indiana

Books written by Keith Clark

The Dreams of our Founders and the Hopes of our Students
Servant Leadership: The Art of Empowering
Make Space, Make Symbols, A Personal Journey Into Prayer, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1979
An Experience of Celibacy, A creative reflection on intimacy, loneliness, sexuality and commitment, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1982
Being Sexual . . . and Celibate, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame IN 1986.
The Skilled Participant, A Way to Effective Collaboration, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1988

Mike Crosby, OFM Cap

Michael H. Crosby belongs to the Midwest Province of the Capuchin Franciscans. He lived in fraternity with other brothers serving the poor in Milwaukee's downtown area. He has a masters in economics (1985), an STL (1990), and a PhD in Theology (1989).  Mike's ministry was twofold: three-fourths spent writing and speaking about biblical spirituality geared for our "First World" society. The other involved leadership in the corporate responsibility movement, advising investors concerned about using their monies to promote social change. Br. Mike Crosby passed away in 2017.

Books authored by Mike Crosby-Ordering information can be found at:

The Dysfunctional Church
Rethinking Celibacy, Reclaiming the Church
Celibacy: Means of Control or Mandate of the Heart?
The Prayer That Jesus Taught Us
Spirituality Of The Beatitudes
House of Disciples
Do You Love Me? Jesus Questions The Church
The Seven Last Words
Solanus Casey

Edward Foley, Capuchin

A member of the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order since 1966, Fr. Edward was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1975.   He earned an M.Div. (1975) from St. Francis School of Pastoral Ministry in Milwaukee, an M.M. in choral conducting (1975) from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, an M.A. in liturgical research (1980), an M.A. in Liturgy (in course, 1983), and the Ph.D. in Theology (1987) from the University of Notre Dame.  A specialist in worship and the arts, Foley identifies himself as a practical theologian.  To date he has authored or edited 23 books, with two more in process: A Handbook for Catholic Preaching for which he serves as general editor, and Connecting the Dots: Integrating Work in Theological Education, edited with Kathleen Cahalan and Gordon Mikoski. 

Foley has also authored over 300 chapters in books, scholarly and pastoral articles, and reviews in such collections as The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, and Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart and in journals such as The Journal of Practical Theology, Liturgisches Jahrbuch, La Maison-Dieu, Revue Bénédictine, Speculum and Worship. He sits on a number of editorial boards.

Books authored or edited by Ed Foley, OFM Cap:

Preaching as Paying Attention: Theological Reflection in the Pulpit. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2021.

Music and Spirituality.  Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. 2020.

Reimaginging Theological Reflection in an Age of Diversity: Reflective Believing.  Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.

A Commentary on the Order of Mass of the Roman Missal: A New English Translation.  General Editor. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2011.

Religion, Diversity and Conflict.  International Practical Theology, Vol. 8.  General Editor.  Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2011.

A Lyrical Vision: The US Bishops' Music Documents.  Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2009.

From Age to Age.  Expanded and revised edition.  Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2008.  Hagan esto en Conmemoracion mia.  Spanish edition, trans. Carlos Villalobos (Mexico City, 2009).

Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.  General Editor with Nathan Mitchell and Joanne Pierce.  Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2007.

Journey to Holiness: A Pilgrimage Through the Solanus Casey Center.  Detroit: Province of St. Joseph, 2007.

The Wisdom of Creation, ed. with Robert Schreiter.  Collegeville: The Liturgical Press 2004.

Mutuality Matters: Family, Faith and Justice, ed. with Herbert Anderson, Bonnie Miller-McLemore and Robert Schreiter.  Lanham, MD: Sheed and Ward, 2003.

Worship Music: A Concise Dictionary.  General Editor Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2000.

Preaching Basics.  Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1998.

Chinese edition, translated by Chu Mei Fen (Beijing, 2004).

Might Stories, Dangerous Rituals: The Power of Narrative and Ritual for integrating Worship and Pastoral Care. With Herbert Anderson. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1997; paperback and e-book 2001.  Korean Edition, translated by Suk Mo Ahn (Seoul, 2012).

Ritual Music: Studies in Liturgical Musicology. Washington DC: The Pastoral Press, 1995.

Asi Es: Stories of Hispanic Spirituality.  Edited with Arturo Perez and Consuelo Covarrubias.  Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1994.

Developmental Disability and Sacramental Access: New Paradigms for Sacramental Encounters. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1994.

Foundations of Christian Music: The Music of Pre-Constantinian Christianity.  GROW/Alcuin Publications. Nottingham, England, 1992; rev. US ed. The Liturgical Press.  Collegeville, 1996.

The Milwaukee Symposia for Church Composers: A Ten Year Report. Primary drafter and general editor. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1992.

From Age to Age: An Introduction to the History of Christian Eucharist.  Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1991.  Japanese edition trans. Bartholomew K. Takeuchi (Tokyo, 2004).

The First Ordinary of the Royal Abbey of St.-Denis in France (Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine 526). Spicilegium Friburgense 32.  Fribourg:  Editions Universitaires, 1990.

Rites of Religious Profession.  Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1989.

Music and the Eucharistic Prayer.  Coauthored with  Mary McGann.  Washington, DC:  The Pastoral Press, 1988.

Music in Ritual: A Pre-Theological Investigation.  Washington, DC:  The Pastoral Press, 1984.

Richard Hart, OFM Cap

Capuchin Franciscan preacher and author Richard Hart has preached worldwide. A frequent contributor to Priest magazine, Hart resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Books authored by Richard Hart

Edging God Out
Powerlessness:  Passion for the Possible
How Christian Are You?
Preaching:  The Secret to Parish Revival
Preacher as Risk Taker

William Hugo, OFM Cap

William Hugo has ministered in initial formation since 1980 and taught the life of Francis of Assisi for over twenty-six years to Capuchins at various levels of formation and to Secular Franciscans. He was editor of The New Round Table, a journal of Capuchin spirituality and history, for seven years and is currently ministering at the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit.

Books authored by William Hugo

Studying the Life of Saint Clare of Assisi: A Beginner's Workbook. Co-authored with Joanne Schatzlein, OSF. 2019. New City Press.

Studying the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi, A Beginner’s Workbook (2nd Edition)
Hugo’s workbook is a proven resource that has guided people at all academic levels through a study of the life and writings of Saint Francis using primary sources in translation. This Second Edition is a thorough revision that is totally compatible with Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, 1999-2002, the most up-to-date English translation of the primary sources.  It also includes new scholarship and new bibliographic references. More than half the worksheets of the previous edition have been revised, and others have been added.  The worksheets can be done by individuals or in groups or seminars. General readers will enjoy learning about Saint Francis and how hagiography shaped the public stories of medieval saints. Formation directors who teach the life and writings of Saint Francis should not be without this extraordinary sourcebook with its readymade lesson plans and insightful commentaries.  New City Press 202 Cardinal Rd. Hyde Park NY 12538  1-800-462-5980 1-845-229-0335 fax 1-845-229-0351 [email protected]

Perry McDonald, OFM Cap

Perry McDonald has been a member of the Capuchin Order since 1960. Since ordination to the priesthood in 1967 he has spent 17 years in initial formation work, 6 years in provincial administration, and the rest of the time in retreat and parish ministry.

Books by Perry McDonald

The Story of St. Conrad Friary, Milwaukee, WI 1974-2019: 45 Years of Facts, Decisions and Memories. 2019. Self-published.

Articles written by Perry McDonald

A Hermitage Experience
Celibacy is for Loving

Marty Pable, OFM Cap

Martin Pable is a native of Wisconsin. He entered the Capuchin Order and was ordained to the priesthood in 1958. He received his doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the Catholic University of America in 1965. He taught courses in Pastoral Counseling at St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee and at Sacred Heart Seminary in Hales Corners, WI. He completed extensive counseling with priests, religious and laity. He conducted retreats, workshops and continuing education programs around the country.  Besides retreat work and spiritual direction, he led programs in parishes, especially on topics of spirituality, evangelization, and marriage/family life. Br. Marty passed away in 2020.

Books authored by Marty Pable

Great Men of the Bible: A Guide for Guys
What Catholics Believe in Why
Prayer: A Practical Guide
A Man and his God
The Quest for the Male Soul
Catholics and Fundamentalists 
Reclaim the Fire: A Parish Guide to Evangelization
Catholics and Fundamentalists: Understanding the Difference (ACTA Publications, 1997). Also available in Spanish.
The Quest for the Male Soul (Ave Maria Press, 1996).
Reclaim the Fire: A Parish Guide to Evangelization (Ave Maria, 2002).
Prayer: A Practical Guide (ACTA, 2003)

Out of print:
A Call for Me? A New Look at Vocations (Our Sunday Visitor, 1980). Was republished as A Religious Vocation: Is It For Me? by the Diocese of Peoria.
A Man and His God: Contemporary Male Spirituality (Ave Maria, 1988).

Jerry Schroeder, OFM Cap

Jerry Schroeder is a member of the Capuchin-Franciscan Fraternity. The director of the St. Francis Institute Milwaukee, Brother Jerry is a poet who weaves his poetry with video imagery to invite reflection and contemplation.

Books authored by Jerry Schroeder

Meeting the Wind
The House of Ten
Between Us
Frequent Communion
The Green in Me

Robert D. Wheelock, OFM Cap

Br. Bob Wheelock joined the Capuchin order in 1958. Br. Bob worked in a wide variety of ministries, teaching in high school and at St. Louis University, he was an inner city pastor, a retreat master,and  hospital chaplain. Br. Bob passed away in 2020.

Books authored by Robert D. Wheelock

My Spirit Was Murdered, Now What
Sexual Abuse and You Understanding the Consequences
Street Games That Touch Our Hearts
Ministering to Adolescents Today
Gently Healing Bruised Reeds
Beyond Betrayal The Effects of Clergy Abuse
Encountering the Poor and Changing Lives