Blog posts from October, 2020

Belonging and Blessing | Pertenecer y Bendecir

Psalm 73 Galatians 3:22-29; Luke 11:27-28 One of our most basic human needs is to have a sense of belonging. We’re social animals. We need each other. As we have ...

Ask, Seek, Knock | Pedir, Buscar, Llamar

Ask, seek, knock Galatians 3:1-5; Luke 11:5-13 One of the great features of the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit are the ponderous glass doors at the entrance near the Creation Garden. There ...

Living with Our Messiness | Vivir con Nuestro Desorden

Mess Our Lady of the Rosary Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14; Luke 11:1-4 Some of us like to keep things in order and minimize clutter. Others have kitchens, bedrooms, offices, and ...

Making Time and Space | Hacer el Tiempo y el Espacio

Contemplation (St. Rose Marie Durocher, Virgin) (St. Bruno, Priest) Galatians 1:13-24; Luke 10:38-42 One of the blessings of life in our Capuchin novitiate is that the novices have a ...