Blog posts from August, 2021

Forgiveness and Forgetting | Perdón y Olvido

Linkedin-sales-solutions-w3jl3jrepdy-unsplash St. Jane Frances de Chantal Joshua 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Matthew 18:21-19:1 How many times have you heard someone (maybe you) say, “I can forgive, but I can never ...

Franciscan Sisterhood | Hermandad Franciscana

Isabella-and-zsa-fischer-asef6j0lz44-unsplash St. Clare of Assisi Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Matthew 18:15-20 Today’s feast reminds us of something we don’t always consider: There are significantly more women ...

Sowing and Reaping | Sembrando y Cosechando

Paz-arando-zwzusryagom-unsplash St. Lawrence, Deacon 2 Corinthians 9:6-10; John 12:24-26 My dad died four years ago today, just a couple of weeks before his 78th birthday. Dad was a big proponent ...

Greater than Death | Más Grande que la Muerte

Frederick-wallace-nzy7affzeew-unsplash St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Deuteronomy 10:12-22; Matthew 17:22-27 What makes the difference between holiness and delusions of divinity? Humility and a grasp on ...