Blog posts from May, 2020

A Little Man with a Powerful Ministry | Un Hombrecito con un Poderoso Ministerio

Confessional Acts 14:19-28; John 14:27-31a At the beginning of each month (when our church is open), the friars at St. Clare of Montefalco Parish have a special blessing for the people ...

Buckets, Forks, Brushes and Paper | Cubos, Tenedores, Cepillos y Papel

Bucket Acts 14:5-18; John 14:21-26 Most of us will never be confused with gods/goddesses. But if we never receive the title, our egos do not mind receiving the praise, glory, ...

Shaking It Off and Taking It On | Sacudiéndolo y Llevándolo a Cabo

354px-rom, vatikan, basilika st. peter, die taube des heiligen geistes (cathedra petri, bernini) Acts 13:44-52; John 14:7-14 When they met with strong opposition and rejection by some in Antioch, Paul and Barnabas were forced to leave town. As they did so, they took the ...

Leave No One Behind | No Dejes a Nadie Atrás

640px-the last supper (1886), by fritz von uhde John 14:1-6 The disciples were filled with distress and anxiety when Jesus spoke at the Last Supper about his betrayal, suffering and death. It must have been a great ...