Blog posts from July, 2020

They Weren’t the Problem | No Eran el Problema

422px-saint ignatius of loyolas vision of christ and god the father at la storta lacma m.89.59 St. Ignatius of Loyola Jer. 26:1-9; Mt. 13:54-58 We’ve often heard the phrase, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” It’s not only a plea but also ...

Powerful Preaching | Poderosa Predicación

486px-solanuscasey copy St. Peter Chrysologus Bl. Solanus Casey Jer. 18:1-6; Mt. 13:47-53 Today the Church remembers two powerful preachers. St. Peter Chrysologus (“golden ...

A True Friend and Disciple | Un Verdadero Amiga y Discípula

Harold copping jesus at the home of martha and mary 400 St. Martha Luke 10:38-42; John 11:19-27 Martha is sometimes portrayed and then dismissed as an anxious whiner who doesn’t understand what’s ...

Lamentation and Self-Examination | Lamentación y Autoexamen

Pompee dans le temple de jerusalem Tuesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time Jeremiah 14:17-22 Violence. Hunger. Desperation. Terror. Jeremiah paints a clear picture of a city under ...