Blog posts from February, 2022

Heroes and Tyrants | Héroes y Tiranos

Javier-garcia-pnvmqpdbxlk-unsplash Friday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time Sirach 47:2-11; Mark 6:14-29 A hero and a tyrant. That’s the contrast that we witness in today’s readings. Our ...

Instructions | Instrucciones

Kelly-sikkema-z9au36chmqi-unsplash St. Blaise, St. Ansgar 1 Kings 2:1-4, 10-12; Mark 6:7-13 Today’s readings feature two sets of instructions, one from a dying king, and the other from the King of ...

Purification | Purificación

Zhang-kaiyv-77kp2tbcpxo-unsplash The Presentation of the Lord Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 This feast has been celebrated in the western church for about 1500 years. It was originally ...

Division, Discord and Healing | División, Discordia y Sanación

Ante-gudelj-p-jx1agg0ts-unsplash Tuesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time 2 Samuel 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30-19:3; Mark 5:21-43 In today’s readings, we witness both the tragic consequences of ...